我是阿清, 歡迎!(❛◡❛✿)

(っ´ω`c) maybe a destiel fanfic about :
 (WARNING!!!! a lot of grammar mistakes in there(´・д・`)!!!!)

Gab is busying and Cas can't clean his wings by himself,Dean want to touch those wings so he help Cas.

When it finished,Cas just zap away(?),after Gab come back ,he lie to Dean that only his family or couple can touch their wings,so they(dean and cas) actually are married.(wings r private space,but not really strict like that) 

Dean blushes and don't know how to face Cas later,so he ask Sam for help, after they prepared a lot of things about "angel wedding's things"(idk what they r lol)

when Cas just zap back,he can't understand what just happened, Dean blushes and holds his hand ,said "that's okay,Cas. I will take care of you." to Cas, Gab just laugh so loud, then Dean notice that he is be tricking ,when he gonna get angry,Cas holds his hand back and said "Thank you Dean." then instead of telling Cas that he is be tricking, He looks back to Cas and said "Humm.. Next time if you need some clean-wings help just call me."

i don't know how to write a fanfic...so.. if anybody wanna take this idea to write just take it!!!(o´罒`o)
but after u finished it, can u give me its link?? (ฅ●ω●ฅ✿) plzzzzz

我...懶得再打一次(爆(欸#))有想拿去寫的親請別客氣! (`・ω・´)


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